On the last Saturday of the month, food, personal care items, and more collected by our congregation and through our non-profit, RBI, is given out in boxes to families in need in our community. We serve over 100 families in our community through this vital program. We are currently operating a drive-through system to limit contact. Call the church office for a referral, how to get involved, or to ask any questions. 313 937-3170
We are very excited about our Free Store Ministries! Inspired by the need and sense of community created by our annual One Stop Shop, we now have two year round Free Stores where neighbors can shop more regularly for things they need for their children, themselves or their homes. We take donations of gently used clothing, working household items, books and furniture year round so that our Free Stores will always offer new items for our neighbors to have.
COVID protocols are in effect at our Free Stores: Masks are required and shoppers are spread out and a limited number of people are allowed in the store at one time.
All are welcome at the Brightmoor Campus on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
All are welcome at the Redford Campus on the first Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. and the third Saturday of the month from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Come on by!
We are now collecting furniture in good condition at both of our campuses. Currently, furniture is distributed by volunteers at our Brightmoor Campus as needed.
Volunteers are always welcome to help keep the stores stocked and organized. To learn more, call RBI at 313-326-4947.
One Stop Shop is an annual Christmas-time event at both of our campuses. In partnership with University of Michigan and thanks to donations from all over the metro area, families in our community can come through our One Stop Shop and get what they need for their family for Christmas, including new children’s toys, winter jackets, pillows, blankets, appliances, and more.
Donations and volunteers are always needed for this wonderful event!

On the last Saturday of the month, you will find 15-20 women sharing fellowship and lunch while they crochet baby blankets. Some are experienced, others are just learning, but together they are making sure that every new mom in our area receives a handmade baby blanket. They meet from 10 am – 2 pm and bring their own lunches. Bring some yarn and a hook (g, h, or i). All are welcome.
Each year, usually in the spring, our congregation participates in a rotating shelter run by Cass Community Social Services. For one week we provide meals, activities and a safe warm and dry place to sleep to up to 40 adults. Different groups in the church take turns preparing meals and being present for fellowship with our guests. It takes a lot of volunteers to pull off this remarkable week, so all hands are welcome!
There are many educational opportunities at Redford Aldersgate. On Sunday mornings at both services, children begin in worship with their family. Following the Children’s Moment (usually about 1/3 through the service), there are classes for all preschool and elementary aged kids. Kids are divided into age groups (3 & 4 yr olds, Kindergarten – 2nd grade, 3rd – 5th grade). Our volunteer teachers use a curriculum that helps our kids learn about the Bible and about faith and relate it to the ways we need to live today. Children learn through a variety of kinds of learning styles. Crafts, puppets, drama, video, games and other kinds of activities help make learning exciting. Nursery care for children under 3 is available for the entire service.
Similar to our program during the school year, children come to worship with their parents until the children’s moment. After that, preschool thru 3rd graders are invited upstairs for Sunday School. 4th grade and up are encouraged to stay with their family for worship.
Toward the end of the summer we host a 5 day VBS program set in the evenings that helps teach our kids about God using creative, relevant themes and lessons. Kids will learn using scripture, art, science, kinesthetics, and more!
There are many learning opportunities for adults during the year. From Lenten study groups to our summer reading group, topical studies and ongoing small groups. We encourage everyone to be growing in their faith through study and fellowship. These opportunities are offered in the evenings as well as during the day to ensure everyone can participate.

The youth of Redford Aldersgate are active participants in the life of our congregation. They also have their own fellowship and events throughout the year.
The best way to get plugged in to the youth group is to come to one of the Sunday gatherings.
6th-12th grade
Every Sunday from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
All 6th-12th graders are invited to participate and are encouraged to bring their friends. We will have music, games and snacks together and split the group into middle and high school for our time of learning about God’s Word and how it applies to our lives. Students are welcome to stay as late as 8:30 to play games or socialize.
If there is school on Monday, we are there on Sunday!
The youth group does a lot of other fun activities and outings throughout the year, including a week-long mission trip in the summer.
We have a weekly email to keep you posted on what’s coming up – call the church office to subscribe. 313-937-3170
Come see us on a Sunday and get involved!
If you have an interest in music, we have a spot for you in our Music Ministry!
The music ministries of Redford Aldersgate focus on Christ-centered music, fellowship, friendship and most importantly the sharing of the gospel of Christ through music in worship and special musical events. It is our prayer that everyone who participates in the music ministries of Redford Aldersgate is challenged to grow in Christ and to experience God’s unconditional love through the love of music that we all share.
The Bible tells us to “make a joyful noise to the Lord.” Whether you are a professional musician or just a music lover, we invite you to make a joyful noise with us.
The Bell Choir participates in worship about once a month. Adults and high school youth. Beginner and experienced bell ringers welcome.
Paul Kinney, Director
At Redford Aldersgate we are believers in 12 Step Programs and are happy to lend our building to groups that make meetings available to our community.
Here is the schedule of meetings that happen in our building:
AA Sober Lunch – Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at 12 noon
AA Evening Meeting – Mondays at 7 pm, Thursdays at 5 pm
Alive & Free NA – Mondays at 3 pm
Straight Ahead NA – Wednesday at 7 pm
Living the Program NA – Thursdays at 7pm
NA Meeting – Fridays at 7 pm
Al-Anon – Thursdays at 10 am
We’re always looking for more opportunities to provide space for these groups. If you’d like more information, give us a call: 313-937-3170
Redford Interfaith Relief
Our congregation partners with other churches in Redford to support this important ministry. RIR is a food pantry a clothing closet as well as a great source of other referrals to low income families in our area.
Methodist Children’s Home and Society
This residential facility right here in Redford cares for boys who are unable to be in their own homes for a variety of reasons. For some the care is temporary and others go through the Foster Care and Adoption Programs. Our congregation volunteers and fundraises for this remarkable organization.
Cass Community Social Services
CCSS is located in the city of Detroit and meets many needs of low income and homeless individuals and families. United Methodist Churches all over Michigan support the critical work of CCSS in a variety of ways and we are proud to be part of it.